Paint Fillers

Paint Fillers

Paint fillers play a crucial role in paint formulation, allowing for the adjustment of a series of properties to meet the specific needs of each application. From improving viscosity to controlling opacity, these ingredients are essential for achieving high-quality coatings and efficiency in the paint industry.

What are Paint Fillers?

Fillers are materials added to paints to enhance various properties, including texture, viscosity, and strength. These ingredients can be minerals, polymers, or organic compounds specifically designed to modify the paint’s characteristics. 

Highlighted Properties/Advantages

Viscosity Improvement: Fillers adjust the viscosity of the paint, facilitating its application and providing uniform coverage.

Opacity Control: They allow for controlling the opacity of the paint, which is essential for achieving the desired level of coverage. 

Cost Reduction: By extending the paint without compromising its quality, they help reduce the amount of expensive pigments required. 

Increased Durability: They enhance resistance to wear, abrasion, and impacts, increasing the paint’s durability. 

Gloss Control: They can influence the paint’s gloss level, from matte finishes to highly glossy ones. 

Common Uses

Architectural Paint: Used to adjust the viscosity and opacity of paints used indoors and outdoors.

Industrial Coatings: In industrial applications, they help control the cost and strength of coatings. 

Automotive Paints: Contribute to achieving glossy and durable finishes on vehicles. 

Decorative Paints: Used to create decorative effects and textures on walls and ceilings. 

Construction Industry Paints: Provide strength and durability to coatings used in construction. 

Benefits of Paint Fillers

Resource Optimization: They reduce the amount of pigments and resins needed, saving costs.

Improved Application: They facilitate paint application, resulting in uniform coverage. 

Enhanced Durability: They increase paint resistance, extending its lifespan. 

Versatility: They can be used in a variety of paints and coatings. 

Aesthetic Improvement: They control gloss and texture, allowing for customized finishes. 

Our Paint Fillers

Calcined Kaolin 



Natural Barium Sulfate (Barite) 

Precipitated Barium Sulfate (Blanc Fixe) 

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate 


Washed Kaolin 

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