The How Matters
Governance structures
Health, Safety, Environmental Protection, Resource Efficiency and Full Compliance with laws and regulations are deeply rooted in our company.
These issues determine how we relate internally and with our suppliers, clients and society at large.
Corporate Compliance
Quimidroga has a set of internal principles that are the basis of our business activity:
Code of Ethics
Quimidroga’s Code of Ethics sets out the values and principles that should guide the actions of all employees, suppliers, collaborators and other natural or legal persons related to the company in the performance of their professional activity.
Anti-corruption Policy
The purpose of this policy is the development of the principles and values that are present in the Code of Ethics (section 5.4.2), in relation to the prevention of corruption.
Telematics Code of Conduct
The purpose of this code is to ensure the proper use of technical and IT resources, to enable an improvement in the communications network and to regulate the treatment of confidential information by employees.
Golden Rules
The Golden Rules are rules aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
Responsible Care
Qd has been committed to the RC initiative since 1994, at that time called “Commitment to Progress”.
In March 2023 we renewed our membership of the RC programme, following verification of Quimidroga’s compliance requirements. Valid until 1 March 2025 (extendable for a further two years).
Responsible Care is the global chemical industry’s voluntary, worldwide initiative to continuously improve Safety, Health and Environmental Protection in all chemical industry operations from a sustainable and socially responsible approach. It is a reference framework for the sector which, since its implementation in 1985, has enabled chemical companies to make progress in the safe management of chemicals and in the excellence of their operational performance.
Since its launch in 1985, Responsible Care® has expanded its scope of action beyond the manufacture of chemicals itself to other activities especially linked to the safe use and handling of products along the value chain. In Spain, Feique’s role is to manage and promote Responsible Care® in our country, oversee its implementation and ensure consistency of application by member companies.