Catalysts for Composites

Catalysts for Composites

Catalysts for composites play a fundamental role in the manufacturing of reinforced plastics, improving the speed and efficiency of chemical reactions during the polymerization process. These accelerating additives are essential for creating advanced composite materials, offering a series of outstanding properties and advantages that make them key elements in various industrial applications.

Highlighted Properties/Advantages

Improved polymerization speed: Catalysts accelerate the polymerization speed, allowing for faster and more efficient manufacturing processes.

Curing time control: They provide control over the curing time, which is crucial to adapt to different production processes. 

Greater mechanical strength: They contribute to the development of reinforced plastics with higher mechanical strength, improving the material’s durability. 

Thermal properties optimization: They help optimize the thermal properties of reinforced plastics, making them suitable for specific applications. 

Design versatility: They enable the manufacturing of composite products with versatile shapes and designs, adapting to various industrial needs. 

Common Uses

Aerospace industry: In the manufacturing of lightweight and resistant structural components for aircraft and satellites.

Automotive: Applied in the production of automotive parts, such as body panels and interior components, enhancing strength and performance. 

Construction: In the creation of advanced construction materials, such as panels and structures, for increased durability. 

Renewable energy: In the manufacturing of components for wind turbines and other renewable energy systems requiring strength and efficiency. 

Maritime industry: In the construction of ships and maritime components, offering resistance to adverse environmental conditions. 

Benefits in the Field of Reinforced Plastics

Catalysts for composites are key catalysts in the manufacturing of reinforced plastics, offering significant benefits in terms of material efficiency and performance. The acceleration of polymerization and control of curing time enable faster and customized production processes. Greater mechanical strength and optimization of thermal properties expand the applicability of reinforced plastics in various industries. Additionally, the design versatility provided by catalysts allows for the creation of composite products tailored to specific needs. In summary, these additives play a crucial role in improving the properties and efficiency of reinforced plastics, driving innovation in numerous industrial applications. 

Our Catalysts for Composites

Organic peroxides

Norox® 425 

Norox® CHP 

Norox® KP 

Norox® MCP 

Norox® P 

Norox® PD 

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