Reactive diluents for construction

Reactive diluents for construction

In the industry of construction, where durability and strength are imperatives, the effective preservation of mortar mixes becomes a crucial aspect. Reactive diluents emerge as essential allies, playing a vital role in protection against environmental, microbiological, and chemical factors that could compromise the integrity of structures.

What are reactive diluents?

Reactive diluents are additives designed to protect mortar mixes against degradation caused by external factors such as moisture, exposure to atmospheric elements, and the proliferation of microorganisms. Their main function is to ensure the durability and stability of structures built with mortar over time. 

Highlighted properties/advantages

Moisture Protection: Reactive diluents form a protective barrier that repels moisture, thus preventing absorption that could weaken the structure.

Resistance to Atmospheric Agents: They act as a shield against the adverse effects of weather, preventing corrosion and deterioration caused by constant exposure to atmospheric elements. 

Inhibition of Microbial Growth: Reactive diluents actively control the growth of fungi and bacteria, preventing the formation of stains and structural weakening. 

Increased Durability: They contribute to extending the lifespan of mortar structures by preventing premature wear and degradation. 

Improvement of Chemical Resistance: They protect against the action of aggressive chemicals, preserving the integrity of the mortar even in corrosive environments. 

Compatibility with Different Types of Mortar: Diluents integrate easily with a variety of mortars, offering flexibility in choosing construction mixes. 

Ease of Application: Their application is straightforward, effectively integrating into construction processes without complicating project execution. 

Common uses

Repair and Restoration of Structures: Essential in rehabilitation projects to protect and strengthen structures during and after restoration.

Facade Construction: Used to protect building facades against moisture and corrosion, maintaining aesthetics and durability. 

Underground Infrastructure Works: Applied in the construction of tunnels and underground structures to prevent damage caused by soil moisture. 

Residential and Commercial Building: In residential and commercial construction projects, diluents ensure the longevity of structures against various climatic conditions. 

Pavement Construction: They protect mortar pavements against wear and corrosion, ensuring resilient and durable surfaces. 

Key benefits of reactive diluents for construction

Assured Longevity: Diluents ensure a longer lifespan for structures, protecting them against degradation-causing factors.

Cost Savings in Maintenance: By preventing premature degradation, the need for costly maintenance work is reduced, generating long-term savings. 

Preservation of Aesthetics: They protect the appearance of structures by preventing stains and discoloration caused by moisture and microorganisms. 

Structural Integrity: They contribute to maintaining structural integrity by protecting against corrosion and chemical degradation. 

Long-Term Sustainability: The application of diluents promotes sustainability by prolonging the lifespan of structures, thus reducing the need for frequent reconstruction. 

Our reactive diluents for construction

1,4 Butanediol DGE

1,6 Hexanediol DGE

C12-14 GE 

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