

Sorbitol, known for its sweetness and versatility, goes beyond sweetening foods. Its applications extend to the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries, among others. This polyol is a multifaceted ingredient at the center of innovation in various industries.

What is sorbitol?

Sorbitol (CAS 50-70-4) is a polyol also known as glucitol, which naturally occurs in fruits and is commercially produced from glucose. Its sweetness, approximately 60-70% compared to sucrose, makes it a popular sweetener in the food industry, where it is used to sweeten products without adding excessive calories.

Highlighted properties/advantages

Low calorie and low glycemic index: Sorbitol offers a sweetness option with fewer calories, making it ideal for products aimed at low-calorie diets and people with special dietary needs. Additionally, it has a low glycemic index, making it an alternative for those who need to control blood sugar levels.

Hygroscopic and humectant: Its ability to absorb and retain water makes it an excellent humectant and hygroscopic agent. In cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, sorbitol helps maintain hydration and improve texture.

Non-fermentable by oral bacteria: In oral health, sorbitol stands out for not being fermented by bacteria in the mouth, making it a common choice in sugar-free products, such as chewing gums and mouthwashes.

Stability in the pharmaceutical industry: In medicinal formulations, sorbitol is used as an excipient due to its stability and ability to improve the solubility of certain active ingredients.

Gastrointestinal tolerance: Although it can have laxative effects in large quantities, sorbitol is generally well tolerated by the gastrointestinal system.

Uses of sorbitol

Humectant and viscosity modifier: In the adhesive industry, sorbitol can act as a humectant and viscosity modifier in formulations, contributing to the efficiency of the bonding process.

Peróxido de hidrógeno para adhesivos

Our sorbitol for adhesives


Liquid sorbitol

Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%




Contact our Adhesives team

    Palatability in pet food: It is used in pet foods for animals like dogs and cats to enhance the palatability and texture of products.

    Sorbitol para alimentación animal

    Our sorbitol for animal feed


    Liquid sorbitol

    Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



    Contact our Animal Feed team

      Skin hydration in skincare products: In cosmetics and personal care products, sorbitol acts as a humectant, improving skin hydration and providing pleasant textures in products like creams and lotions.

      Our sorbitol for cosmetics


      Liquid sorbitol

      Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



      Contact our Cosmetics team

        Sorbitol is used in the detergent industry due to its wetting, stabilizing and building agent properties.

        Peróxido de hidrógeno para detergencia

        Our sorbitol for detergency


        liquid sorbitol

        Sorbitol 70% non-crystallizable


        Contact our Detergency team

          In the food industry, it is used as a disinfectant agent, for bleaching certain foods, and for disinfecting surfaces and packaging, ensuring the safety and quality of products.

          Low-calorie sweetener: In the food industry, sorbitol is used as a sweetener in low-calorie products such as chewing gum, sugar-free candies, and confectionery products.

          Humectant in bakery: It helps improve the texture and moisture in bakery products like cakes and cookies.

          Peróxido de hidrógeno para alimentación humana

          Our sorbitol for human consumption


          Liquid sorbitol

          Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



          Contact our Human Consumption team

            Sorbitol, a polyalcohol, has various applications in the treatment of metal surfaces due to its properties as a chelating, stabilizing and wetting agent.

            Hidróxido potásico para tratamiento de superfícies metálicas

            Our sorbitol for metal surface treatment


            liquid sorbitol

            Sorbitol 70% non-crystallizable


            Contact our Metal Surface Treatment team

              Sorbitol is widely used in the nutraceutical industry due to its properties as a sweetener, humectant and excipient.

              Peróxido de hidrógeno para detergencia

              Our sorbitol for nutraceuticals


              liquid sorbitol

              Sorbitol 70% non-crystallizable


              Contact our nutraceuticals team

                Humectant agent in paper manufacturing: In paper production, sorbitol can be used as a humectant agent to enhance paper properties and facilitate processing.

                Peróxido de hidrógeno para papel

                Our sorbitol for paper


                Liquid sorbitol

                Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



                Contact our Paper team

                  Excipient in medicines: In the pharmaceutical industry, sorbitol acts as an excipient in medicinal formulations, enhancing the stability and solubility of certain active ingredients.

                  Sorbitol para farmacia

                  Our sorbitol for pharmacy


                  Liquid sorbitol

                  Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



                  Contact our Pharmacy team

                    Sorbitol is a polyalcohol that is used in the leather tanning industry due to its moisturizing, softening and filling agent properties.

                    Moisturizing and softening

                    Moisture retention: sorbitol acts as a humectant, helping to retain moisture in the hides during the tanning process, improving their flexibility and softness.

                    Preventing cracking: sorbitol’s ability to keep leather hydrated reduces the risk of it becoming brittle during drying and storage.

                    Filling agent

                    Improved fullness: sorbitol is used to plump and give body to the skin, improving its volume and giving it a fuller, richer feel.

                    Thickness uniformity: helps achieve uniform leather thickness, which is important for applications that require consistency in material quality.

                    Our sorbitol for tanning


                    liquid sorbitol

                    Sorbitol 70% non-crystallizable


                    Contact our Tanning team

                      Prevention of scaling: In water treatment, sorbitol is sometimes used as a chelating agent to prevent the formation of mineral scale in pipes and equipment.

                      Peróxido de hidrógeno para tratamiento de aguas

                      Our sorbitol for water treatment


                      Liquid sorbitol

                      Non-crystallizable Sorbitol 70%



                      Contact our Water Treatment team