Privacy policy

Personal data protection

The personal data we collect shall be processed by QUIMIDROGA, S.A. (“QD”) whose contact details appear below:

Company name: QUIMIDROGA, S.A.

Address: Barcelona – 08006 – calle Tuset 26

Telephone: +34 93 236 36 36

Email address:

Contact details of the data protection officer: Carlos Pou Casajuana

These personal data shall be processed in order to [be able to answer your consultations through the forms provided for this purpose], such as, if so requested by you or if so authorized by you regarding the cookies we install, to adapt the web page to your needs, and to inform you and send you communications, even via electronic and/or telematics means, about our company, including information on different products of QD. As a consequence, the legal basis of the processing is your consent.

The personal data shall only be processed for the time they are necessary, useful and relevant. Once the relationship is ended, data shall be stored for the purposes of and for the time needed to comply with the applicable legal obligations. The access to them shall only be given to those third parties to whom it is legally obliged and to the companies that have been entrusted internal management services of the company.

However, and provided we always get your consent, the supplied personal data may be transferred to companies from QUIMIDROGA group and whose details may be found in the following link, for the same purposes. International transfers of your data shall be done to the companies of QUIMIDROGA group in Algeria, Morocco and Turkey.

Moreover, you will be able to exercise your rights under the terms laid down by current legislation, your rights of access, rectification or erasure of data, just as to request the limitation on the processing of your personal data, to object to it, or to request the portability of your data by sending a postal communication to the address previously mentioned or an email to In any case, the person affected is entitled to complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency in relation to the processing performed by QUIMIDROGA, S.A.

Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that can only be read by the server that previously deposited them. Cookies are generally stored for a limited period of time.


What type of cookies do we use?

QD uses the following cookies :

  • Technical Cookies: These cookies allow the user to navigate through a website and to use the different options or services that they may offer such as controlling data traffic and communication, identifying sessions, accessing restricted access areas, etc.
  • Personalisation Cookies: These allow the user to access the service with some general features that are predefined such as for example the language, the type of browser or the regional settings through which the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analysis Cookies: These allow the following and analysis of the user’s behaviour. The information collected through this type of cookies is used for the measurement of the website activity and for the elaboration of users’ browsing habits in order to introduce improvements.


Who is using the cookies?
The information collected through cookies shall be stored and processed by QUIMIDROGA, S.A. whose details appear below:

Company name: QUIMIDROGA, S.A.
Address: Barcelona – 08006 – calle Tuset 26
Telephone: +34 93 236 36 36
Email address:

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer: Carlos Pou Casajuana


How can cookies be deactivated?
You can block or delete cookies through the internet browser, but if you do so, you may experiment some problems when using or uploading the platform.

The configuration of the internet browser to that effect shall depend on the browser you are using. Please find below some links to the instructions provided by the main browsers to delete cookies: